Farmer's Family Bio

Name: Chester Allen Walker
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Hazel
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 175 LB
Age: 38
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Food: Taters (any way you fix them but is partial to his wife's mashed Taters)
Nickname: The Cow Whisperer
Chester is a good-natured farmer who has a love and appreciation for the farm. He enjoys working on the land for his family. He has a good sense of humor and does not take things too seriously. He loves his wife and would do anything in the world for her. You can often find him in the field or barn talking to the animals. He is known to friends and family as the Cow Whisperer. Outsiders might think he is crazy, but if you pay close attention to the animal's response to him, he has an obvious connection. If he is not on the farm, he can be found out and about in his Ford F100 pickup.

Farmer's Wife
Name: Debbie Lynne Walker
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 129 LB
Age: 37
Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Food: Crème Brulee
Nickname: Deb
Debbie loves life on the farm. She enjoys her garden and takes great joy in getting food for the family from it. She is constantly battling the elements and the varmints to ensure the garden will be productive. She loves Chester but does get a little concerned when he talks to the animals. She gets a little jealous of the time he spends with them but LOVES the peace and quiet!
Animal Bios

Name: Roseland
Hair Color: Brown (can be any color she imagines)
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5' 5" from top of head to hoofs on all 4 hoofs
Weight: 1100 LB
Age: 4 years old
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Food: Clover
Nickname: Rosie
Rosie is a carefree cow with an over-active imagination. Rosie is well-liked by all of the farm animals and fellow bovines. She does have a minor beef with the "hot heifer clique" on the farm. She has an affection for the farmer, and in her mind, she is the number one bovine on the farm. Rosie makes the most of any situation that arises on the farm. She uses her imagination to turn herself into anything she wants to be, from a hero to a biker (Super Cow, Galaxy Cow). In her mind, she is a free spirit who roams wherever she wants when she wants.

Name: El Sid
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5' 8" from top of head to hoofs on all 4 hoofs
Weight: 1300 LB
Age: 5
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Food: Alfalfa Hay
Nickname: Sid
Sid is a suave, charming bull. He is a perfect specimen of a bull. His muscles are cut and well defined. When he struts by the cows, they swoon, and the farmer swells up with pride. Sid is tough as they come on the outside, but on the inside, he is a softy. Sid sees himself as the boss around the farm. However, all of the farm inhabitants know that Rosie runs the show.

Name: Tulip
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5' 3" from top of head to hoofs on all 4 hoofs
Weight: 700 LB
Age: 1-year-old
Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Food: Orchid Grass
Nickname: Baby T
Tulip is a fun-loving heifer who is looking for love on the farm. She has a dream of settling down. She likes taking leisurely strolls in the meadow and along the streams. She dreams of one day being like Rosie, and she is well on her way. She takes no bull from anyone.

Name: Buttercup
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5' 3" from top of head to hoofs on all 4 hoofs
Weight: 800 LB
Age: 1-year-old
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Food: Sweet Feed
Nickname: BC
Buttercup is one of the young cows on the farm. She is always trying to go against the grain. She thinks the farm is too small for her. She is very needy. Her always needing the farmer's attention has caused a tiff between her and Rosie. Buttercup is also trying to get the attention of not only Sid but the neighbor's bulls as well.

Name: Butterscotch
Hair Color: Brown and white
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5' 3" from top of head to hoofs on all 4 hoofs
Weight: 750 LB
Age: 1-year-old
Favorite Color: Yellow
Favorite Food: Clover
Nickname: Butter
Butterscotch is a fun-loving heifer who is into shopping and free grazing the pastures. She has dreams of grazing the lush fields of France and shopping in Paris. She is a heifer with a little bit of class and normally separates herself from the rest of the herd. The only one she really talks to Rosie.

Name: Lilly
Hair Color: Brown and white
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5' 3" from top of head to hoofs on all 4 hoofs
Weight: 700 LB
Age: 1-year-old
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Food: Orchid Grass
Nickname: Lil
Lilly is a fun-loving heifer who is looking for fun and freedom on the farm. She has dreams of making it big one day. She likes taking selfies and modeling for any who will let her. She hopes to someday leave the farm for a larger farm and greener pastures. Lilly has high hopes of being a star.